position must be acknowledged

The launch was a clear message to the United States to engage in dialogue based on Pyongyang’s new game-changing technology as Trump prepares to enter the White House on January 20. Kim was only sending a message to Washington that North Korea’s strategic position must be acknowledged in any dialogue process. Kim feels he scored a point by the

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Punishments responsible for prisons

Forum 18 spoke on 16 January to an official of the Interior Ministry’s Chief Directorate for the Enforcement of Punishments responsible for prisons in Kashkadarya. He gave his first name as Jasur but would not give his last name. After Forum 18 asked him questions about the cases he put the phone down. He did not answer further calls. The regime

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A judge in Karshi jailed 8 Muslim

A judge in Karshi jailed 8 Muslim men for between 6 and 10 years for exercising freedom of religion or belief. Four are former prisoners of conscience. The regime has used all the Criminal Code articles used in this case to jail – with as in this case the use of an informer – groups of Muslim men who met informally to pray and discuss their fai

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Supreme Court’s sweeping ruling

The past twelve months compressed a decade’s worth of unprecedented events into a single year. July 2024 alone saw an assassination attempt against US president-elect Donald Trump and the collapse of US President Joe Biden’s presidential campaign, all but overshadowing another development with an even more enduring impact on US politics — the

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sleeper cells of radical Islamic

The situation is exacerbated by diminishing economic opportunities at home accompanied by worsening conditions for Central Asian migrants in Russia. This group has long been a key recruitment pool for radical Islamist groups; Dushanbe claims most Tajiks who fought abroad were recruited from the ranks of labour migrants. It is also crucial not to ov

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